Where We Stand On ...
Age of criminal responsibility
We believe the age of criminal responsibility at 10 years of age is too low and should be raised to at least 12.
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders
Anti Social Behaviour Orders
That such orders are necessary as a last resort for dealing with anti social behaviour (ASB). We support the use of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts as an effective way of dealing with ASB by young people which do not require court appearances/convictions.
Custody for young offenders
That the punishment of custody for young offenders lies in the loss of liberty itself and therefore should only be used:
· As a last resort
· Where the public have to be protected
Where young people have to be sent to custody they should be held in small local secure units close to their home.
Prevention of youth crime
Work to prevent young people from offending for the first time should be prioritised to prevent them entering the youth justice system and the cost of this to both young people themselves and society.
Young people and spent convictions
Young people moving into adulthood and beyond should not be penalised for having to declare all but the most serious convictions committed as a youth.
Youth Justice work
Should be undertaken by dedicated and specialist youth justice workers led by senior managers with substantial youth justice experience positioned at a senior level within local structures
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The Association of Youth Offending Team Managers (AYM) is the professional association for heads of Youth Offending Services and managers in Youth Offending Teams in England and Wales.
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